When we left Bolivia we had no idea that we wouldn’t go back for a long time. We told everyone that we would be back in about 3 months. Well, as God began to work we realized that it was going to be more than three months.

Jeff had been looking for land in Belize for quite some time and nothing had come through. In January of 2012 he was able to find land and purchase it to start a mission training school.

With much work, prayers, and support of friends and family we were able to get a container ready to send down, with equipment, steel (for building houses) and school supplies. By the end of April we were finally ready to head down. The container was on its way and so were we.

Several weeks before we left the kids and I began to pray that God would provide a house for us to live in. We prayed that He would give us a house that was cheap, in the country, and I asked for a tiled bathroom. We didn’t know where we would be living when we arrived. The land we purchased had nothing on it and we didn’t know anyone in the area.

When we arrived we stayed with some friends that lived an hour away from the land. They were so gracious to share their home with us for 2 weeks, which we thought we would only be there for a few days.

As we began to look for a place to live Keila (a young lady from Mexico who worked with us in Bolivia for four years, who is helping us start the project in Belize) told us about a little house on stilts that was down a road that she had turned on accidently looking for another place. It wasn’t for rent or sale, but it didn’t look like anyone was living in it. When I saw the house I fell in love with it immediately. It was up on stilts about 10 feet up. It was down a little country lane that had only a few neighbors who weren’t too close. We didn’t know who owned it, so we went across the road and stopped at a little store and asked. They told us it belonged to the Adventist Pastor. At the moment his son came out and said that it actually belonged to him. We asked if we could see the house and if he would be willing to let us rent it. He told us he didn’t think we would want to because it didn’t have electricity and the septic wasn’t done.

When we looked inside I loved it right away. When I got to the bathroom door I looked in and it was tiled. There were two bedrooms, and a living room kitchen area. Under the house was a cement slab and a place to hang clothes. I was so excited. I told him that it was an answer to our prayers. He looked at me like I was crazy. So, he told us that if we finished the septic he would let us live in it for free. PRAISE THE LORD!

Jeff went to work on the septic and we were able to move in a week later. What a huge blessing the little house has been to us. God knew just what we needed. Because it was a wood house it cooled down quite well at night and there was a good breeze that blew through the day.

It has been a little challenging because there is a problem with thievery, but other than that it has been just what we needed. The other blessing was that it was only 4 miles from the land. God does love to hear and answer prayers. He wants us to be specific with Him. “Ask and it shall be given you, seek and ye shall find, knock and it shall be open unto you.” Matthew 7:7 God has been blessing us in so many ways. The assembly building is up, with the bathroom and septic done and the floor in. We just need to put in the doors and windows. Perry and Laura’s house is almost done, they will be moving in next week Lord willing. The walls are currently going up on the shop for mechanics and putting the roll form machine to use for an industry. We have the foundation in for another house; a well that puts out 30gal/min; a water tower; 600ft of a 3,000ft road; and 80 fruit trees. Lord willing we will be starting school in January. There is much work to do before then, but with His help we will be able to get two more houses, one for boys and one for girls in.

Thank you all so much for your prayers and support. Please continue to pray that we can get the money together for another container. We desperately need some equipment, i.e. mini-excavator, bobcat with traces (because there is so much mud), and steel. We are excited to see what God is going to do, knowing that He has led us in the past and that He will continue to lead in the future.

From the frontlines,

Fawna, Jeff, Sierra, Savana and Andean