Newlyweds’ New Project in Chad!

Shortly after getting marrie d, former MOVE staff Victor and

Tanzi moved to Chad, Africa where they are working in connection

with a small hospital and nutritional clinic under Adventist Mission


“The biggest need here is for workers” Tanzi reports. “There

are doctors in the hospital, but they are so overloaded with work that

they don’t even have time for their families. There is also a printing

press that one mission family is operating that prints literature and

the Sabbath school lessons and other materials for the whole country.

In all this we saw the need for people!”

And so in February Victor and Tanzai started a two-month

missionary training program called Savanto, to prepare workers with

on-the-job training in the nutrition center, and in evangelistic labor

such as the distribution of literature from the press, and house to

house visitation and Bible study. This month marked the end of the

first session, and was crowned by three baptisms. Four of the students

who finished the two-month course have committed to continue

working with the project as volunteers and will be sharing their faith

and their new skills with the nearby villages.





Milton and Dalicia, session 12 alumni, have been working as Bible

workers and church planters in the island of Caye Caulker for over a year.

You might recall Milton’s fruit carvings that he used as a creative

outreach technique, and of the baptisms last summer. Recently he sent a

message overflowing with excitement. He and Dalicia have been praying

about the need for a meeting place for the growing group of believers,

but the price of island real estate is exorbitant. That’s when the idea of a

church-boat flashed across Milton’s mind. He needs a boat anyway to be

able to travel between the two halves of the island which are separated

by an ocean channel. He and his wife began to pray about it and share

their idea, and a visiting sister from the U.S. caught the vision and has

pledged help. As Milton and the brethren continue to pray and plan,

they are weighing the pros and cons of a second church on the other half

of the island instead of building the floating church. Please keep them in

prayer. You can also contact Milton on Whats App: +501-606-7407.


Hello, I am Luis Palomeque, a graduate of MOVE class session number nine. Right now I am starting my

mentorship project. God has helped me decide to create an audio production studio called “Mission

Sounds.” The objective is to make a recording studio that can produce audio materials such as audio books,

music, and mission stories. The target audience is primarily Adventist members in Latin American countries

where there is neither much emphasis in foreign missions nor many audio materials available. My objective

is to create and distribute material that will promote mission work and encourage church members to get

involved. My base of operations will be the MOVE missionary school in Belize. Although the times we live in

are difficult, we must continue to spread the message. We need your prayers that God will provide the

wisdom and the resources for this project. If you have any questions about this specific project, or wish to

contribute financially or otherwise, you can communicate with me through Whatsapp at +52 1 9613297747.

We solicit urgent prayer on behalf of the

mission plane which has been

confiscated by authorities in Colombia

over some legal technicalities. At first

officials were giving the option to

redeem the aircraft at nearly its original

value, but now even that possibility is in

doubt. Unless God does a miracle, the

plane will be lost.


Above: baptism. Below: Milton

leads a small group service

At the same time, we ask for stronger prayers of faith for each one of us, for without a miracle of God, we too

will be taken hostage by the enemy of souls and lost to the work. We need Christ’s redeeming miracle of

grace applied in our lives today, and every day. The good news is, we know redemption is God’s will for us!




campus square footage to the class calendar: three

months’ worth of training crammed into two.

By the first week of April the students from the

basic program were leading their mission trip. The

mentorship students have their own final project,

to build a church in el barrio La Cruz in Medellin,

which they are working on. Please keep them in

prayer as the building site is in a rough


The commission ceremony live-streamed on Zoom

Sunday afternoon, April 11. The fourteen students

from the basic program will be going to support

mission projects throughout Bolivia, Mexico,

Colombia, Honduras, Chad and Belize.

The current plan is to host session # 16 here in

Belize this August, pending travel and immigration

restrictions. Please keep MOVE in your prayers as

administration considers how best to continue in

our mission under the present circumstances.

MOVE has been back in business this year despite

the pandemic. When the international airport

opened last fall, we began to accept applications

for this year’s spring program and moved forward

in faith, but Belize immigration officials were

unwilling to issue student visas and it seemed the

program would be put on hold again. But then,

Genith Fuentes, director of the Silo (Shiloh) health

training institute in El Santuario, Colombia, called.

“Keila, why don’t you come do your program on

our campus? We are still waiting for our

operation license to come through before we can

begin our classes in May.”

And so began a flurry of intense logistical

maneuverings, and session #15 started in the

middle of February, 2021 with 14 students in the

basic program and 10 taking mentorship. This

time around, everything was even more

condensed than usual, from the housing and

Generation 15 staff and students Mission trip evangelism Health fair

Missions Festival Appreciation Ceremony Shiloh front office




Meanwhile we continue to plant the good seed

through outreach activities with the local

churches and villages. Shaw and his family have

started working in the Honeycamp and Petville

communities where they attend between 6 and 8

different Bible studies each week. They are also

studying with a family in Carmelita Village. The

Wlasenko family do weekly studies and visitation

in Santa Marta village, and the Kostenko family

has been helping a new church plant in Trinidad

village and doing Bible studies and visitation there

as well as in Tower Hill, Orange Walk and

occasionally in Chan Pine Ridge.

The first weekend of April we also enjoyed

helping with the Chan Pine Ridge youth camp

organized by MOVE alumnus Giselle Cal. The

camp theme was “Youths for the Truth” and

included three days full of mission outreach

activities to the community, games and

recreation, and Bible seminars on Christian music

and principles for dating and courtship.

Other activities included literature distribution to

the prison and to the village churches, and a

revival seminar and cooking school.

While half of the MOVE staff have been in

Colombia with session 15, the Belize campus has

been a quiet place indeed. The agriculture

program has been growing, however, in more

ways than one! We have planted and harvested

thousands of pounds of tomatoes, sweet

peppers, cabbage and sweet corn with a few

eggplant and other miscellaneous products on

the side. The lime orchard has been producing

quite constantly, and in a month or so we should

be harvesting pineapples and mangoes.

Dear MOVE alumni: If you have a story or a mission experience about your current work that you would like to share in a

future MOVE newsletter, please send me your submissions of 700 words or less to or to my What’s

App account at +501-630-0540. If you have any relevant photos, please send them too! Blessings! — Kody Kostenko

Above: Youths for the Truth CPR campout. Below left: Josmar, Lolita and Kody on their way to outreach in

the village. Below center: Brother Daniel admonishes right before getting mudded! Below right: Giselle with

coconut carving