
About Hilda Ramos

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So far Hilda Ramos has created 42 blog entries.


We are on the last days of classes here in Familia Feliz (Happy Family) and I believe that this has been a very blessed year.

I’ll briefly tell you among other things what happened, approximately a month ago we had a fire that emerged from a small fire that the boys lost control of […]

Bread Aroma

Sharing is not one of my qualities that come naturally. God has a big work to do with me in reference to generosity. And although to be a missionary keeps me focus in serving and giving, today the story is not about my experience on sharing but a lesson I learned recently.

The Poorest

In one […]


Hello to all the dear brothers and family in Christ.

God has poured many blessings over us and over the ministry the past three months. We are giving an apology in advance, because unfortunately our missionary computer stopped working, for which we have not been able to send the Newsletters. But as of today […]

… God had another plan, we had to act fast!

▪ Hello Mirta. 12:52 AM
▪ Can you tell Rubén to send the money with Herman? 12:56 AM
▪ Also the anesthesia and needles that you had gotten for the project. We are going to be here at Familia Feliz for one more week. And now I have no anesthesia. 12:58 AM
▪ I’m in a place in […]

God Opens Doors!!!

Many communities need the financial Support to be transferred to the Hospitals and to remain there.
Our mission is dedicated to supporting the indigenous villages which are families without resources.
Many of them have their dialect and speak little Spanish, therefore they need the support of someone who helps you communicate and do the emergencies that the […]